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If you’re looking to shed weight and boost your health, Optimal Fitness offers these tips to help you stay on track and fight obesity through wellness-focused actions. 


Find an enjoyable workout routine. According to Dr. Valter Longo, author of The Longevity Diet, the best exercise is the one you like doing the most. Maybe it’s martial arts, maybe it’s dance — select an exercise that makes you happy and that you can enjoy for years to come. The objective is to do something that works your entire body, causing you to sweat or breathe rapidly. Do this for five to 10 hours a week. 


Need help finding a workout? Optimal Fitness offers a variety of classes (in-person and online) as well as personal training to help you meet your health goals. 


As a supplement to intense workouts, it’s also ideal to walk for at least 30 minutes a day, and to incorporate a practice like yoga into your regimen. Walking and yoga are particularly beneficial when you have active recovery days in your workout plan. 


Another rule you can live by every day is to use your muscles and minimize your reliance on modern day conveniences. Take the stairs, grow your own food and wash your dishes by hand. This will keep you moving!


Make it easy to work out at home. If you feel more comfortable working out at home right now, all it takes is to set up a workout space. This can be in your living room, or it can be in a flex space or even in your garage or basement. When choosing a space like your garage or basement, ensure your space is comfortable in the summer and winter. This can mean repairing windows, using a space heater or even having the area insulated. For window repair or insulation services, work with local professionals who can quickly and affordably tackle the job. 


Once you have your space determined, look into necessary equipment like weights, a treadmill or elliptical machine, a Swiss ball, exercise bands and floor mats. The goal is not to spend a fortune but to outfit your home gym with practical equipment that can help you reach your goals.


Get plenty of rest. Sleep for seven to nine hours each night. Doing so, gives your body the appropriate time to repair itself. Research indicates that only four to five hours can contribute to obesity later. 


Eat a balanced diet. There are five main food groups: Whole grains, fruits and vegetables, protein, dairy and fat. The US Department of Agriculture recommends using the healthy dinner plate symbol as a guide for suggested servings, however, in recent years, there’s been widespread criticism about the lack of scientific processes for these guidelines and nutritional policies. Dr. Georgia Ede, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and nutrition consultant says it’s best for everyone to start from scratch when it comes to selecting foods for good health. There’s plenty of information out there, but it’s up to us as individuals to learn risks and benefits of dietary choices (based on data). Ultimately, we have to continue moving forward with an open mind and further research.

While you’re on your quest, keep these truths in mind:


  • Despite the debate about what’s best nutritionally, there’s no argument about fruits and veggies. Based on findings from The China Study, those who generally eat a plant-based diet are the healthiest. Aside from protecting you from heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes, fruits and veggies keep you lean. In fact, former President Bill Clinton learned this first-hand. After he implemented recommendations from The China Study in an attempt to address his heart health, he ended up losing 24 pounds due to diet alone. 
  • Whether you go plant-based completely or partially, it’s important to prepare your own nutritious meals, so you know exactly what goes into your food. 
  • Once you eat healthy for a month or more, your food preferences will begin to change. Always strive to eat a colorful meal, as this will maximize your nutrient intake. 


Take care of your mental health. When you’re depressed, your risk for chronic illness is higher, which means your overall wellness plummets. While no conclusions have been made as to why this happens, it may be due to habits that are connected with depression like poor diet and lack of physical activity. If you’re feeling down, remember to take this seriously and look for ways to bounce back. 


Fighting obesity requires change. However, if you want to make it a long-term commitment, it has to become a lifestyle choice and with that comes desire and intention. If you really want to beat it, do everything in your power to take care of yourself. By doing so, you will improve your overall health and be a positive influence to others. 

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Based on the facts, more than two out of every three adults in the United States are overweight or obese. With stats this high, it’s clear that something has to shift. 


If you’re looking to shed weight and boost your health, Optimal Fitness offers these tips to help you stay on track and fight obesity through wellness-focused actions. 


Find an enjoyable workout routine. According to Dr. Valter Longo, author of The Longevity Diet, the best exercise is the one you like doing the most. Maybe it’s martial arts, maybe it’s dance — select an exercise that makes you happy and that you can enjoy for years to come. The objective is to do something that works your entire body, causing you to sweat or breathe rapidly. Do this for five to 10 hours a week. 


Need help finding a workout? Optimal Fitness offers a variety of classes (in-person and online) as well as personal training to help you meet your health goals. 


As a supplement to intense workouts, it’s also ideal to walk for at least 30 minutes a day, and to incorporate a practice like yoga into your regimen. Walking and yoga are particularly beneficial when you have active recovery days in your workout plan. 


Another rule you can live by every day is to use your muscles and minimize your reliance on modern day conveniences. Take the stairs, grow your own food and wash your dishes by hand. This will keep you moving!


Make it easy to work out at home. If you feel more comfortable working out at home right now, all it takes is to set up a workout space. This can be in your living room, or it can be in a flex space or even in your garage or basement. When choosing a space like your garage or basement, ensure your space is comfortable in the summer and winter. This can mean repairing windows, using a space heater or even having the area insulated. For window repair or insulation services, work with local professionals who can quickly and affordably tackle the job. 


Once you have your space determined, look into necessary equipment like weights, a treadmill or elliptical machine, a Swiss ball, exercise bands and floor mats. The goal is not to spend a fortune but to outfit your home gym with practical equipment that can help you reach your goals.


Get plenty of rest. Sleep for seven to nine hours each night. Doing so, gives your body the appropriate time to repair itself. Research indicates that only four to five hours can contribute to obesity later. 


Eat a balanced diet. There are five main food groups: Whole grains, fruits and vegetables, protein, dairy and fat. The US Department of Agriculture recommends using the healthy dinner plate symbol as a guide for suggested servings, however, in recent years, there’s been widespread criticism about the lack of scientific processes for these guidelines and nutritional policies. Dr. Georgia Ede, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and nutrition consultant says it’s best for everyone to start from scratch when it comes to selecting foods for good health. There’s plenty of information out there, but it’s up to us as individuals to learn risks and benefits of dietary choices (based on data). Ultimately, we have to continue moving forward with an open mind and further research.

While you’re on your quest, keep these truths in mind:


  • Despite the debate about what’s best nutritionally, there’s no argument about fruits and veggies. Based on findings from The China Study, those who generally eat a plant-based diet are the healthiest. Aside from protecting you from heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes, fruits and veggies keep you lean. In fact, former President Bill Clinton learned this first-hand. After he implemented recommendations from The China Study in an attempt to address his heart health, he ended up losing 24 pounds due to diet alone. 
  • Whether you go plant-based completely or partially, it’s important to prepare your own nutritious meals, so you know exactly what goes into your food. 
  • Once you eat healthy for a month or more, your food preferences will begin to change. Always strive to eat a colorful meal, as this will maximize your nutrient intake. 


Take care of your mental health. When you’re depressed, your risk for chronic illness is higher, which means your overall wellness plummets. While no conclusions have been made as to why this happens, it may be due to habits that are connected with depression like poor diet and lack of physical activity. If you’re feeling down, remember to take this seriously and look for ways to bounce back. 


Fighting obesity requires change. However, if you want to make it a long-term commitment, it has to become a lifestyle choice and with that comes desire and intention. If you really want to beat it, do everything in your power to take care of yourself. By doing so, you will improve your overall health and be a positive influence to others. 

by Cheryl Conklin

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