Yep, you heard that right! The best method for weight loss aka a caloric deficit and/or restrictive dieting, now has some added benefits! In the article we are referencing today states exactly that and more! Research from both scientists from Yale and Pennington Biomedical Research have had a recent breakthrough when it comes to the caloric deficit front. In the article, their research states that “…cutting calories by a mere 14 percent for 2 years…” can have benefits that combat aging! That’s not so bad!


The article explains the science at play, mentioning that in the body “the restriction reprogram the pathways in fat cells…” All of that  proceeds through the mitochondria, which we all know is the powerhouse of the cell! Basically, all of this reprogramming helps energy production, improves metabolism and reduces inflammation which can all contribute to the anti-aging process. Along with those awesome perks, a vast improvement in the Thymus was observed. The Thymus is a key piece in the immune system as it produces T-Cells that aid in fighting off infection. 


These team of experts did an incredible job researching the benefits of a restrictive diet and we agree with a lot of major points. We would like to point out a few things to be aware of, the article mentions a few times that you can “have that extra piece of cake” or that “participants cut 14 percent in two years by eating whatever they want.” While this is very similar to the If It Fits Your Macros diet (IIFYM) approach, not all foods are created equally. Of course, each diet and approach to eating is different for each person and the results range from person to person. One thing that never changes is that an Oreo will never have the same nutritional value as a piece of celery. Believe me, we’re the last ones to tell you not to enjoy your desserts and enjoy yourself when you eat, but it’s important to remember it’s still important to prioritize foods that will give a substantial amount of both macro and micro nutrients. 


At the end of the day, you’ve got to do what’s best for your body. We will always encourage a diet that is both sustainable as well as unique to your particular wants and needs. Diets are a very personal thing and something that should be exclusive to you. If you are going to take anything away from this superb study make it this: a caloric deficit is going to help anti-aging and weight loss, but also listen to your body. Make your diet about you and you only! 

Link to article:


First Controlled Human Trial Shows Cutting Calories Improves Health, Longevity


Being a caregiver is an enormous responsibility. Often, caregivers become so used to putting someone else first that they completely neglect their own wellbeing. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re someone providing care for a loved one, Optimal Fitness has some advice for keeping well whilst staying on the task.


Time Management


The first thing to address, when striving for a healthier caregiving lifestyle, is time. You may find that, after a long day at work and all the life admin of the evenings/weekends, you don’t have much of it left to spend on yourself. A good way to change this is by using modern technology – apps such as Toggl or Clockify can be excellent tools for keeping track of where and how you spend your valuable hours, steering you on task, and preventing tangents.


Physical Health


It’s crucial not to underestimate the influence of physical well-being in shaping a positive and healthy mindset. Even when you don’t feel like it, you should try to exercise – by maintaining physical fitness, you’re likely to improve brain function, muscle strength, and energy levels. You can always start things off with a light run and work your way up, or take part in team sports as a way to meet new people. Remember, as long as you’re moving, you’re improving.


A good exercise routine should always be accompanied by a healthy diet. Transitioning from junk food to healthy fruit and veg is not always easy but is crucial for long-term well-being and happiness. If you’re struggling with the early stages of a healthy diet, it might be worth investing in a blender – you can condense down all of your vital nutrients and drink them in with just a few gulps (rather than chewing and savoring). It can even be fun experimenting with different recipes and flavors.


Social Life


Supportive friends and family are by far the most important ingredient for a healthy mindset. If you’re lucky enough to have them, you need to ensure that you’re spending time with them – that means outlining days on a weekend well in advance and protecting evenings during the week to be spent together, if not in person, then over the phone/video calls.


Pursuing Your Dreams 


Often, caregivers put their own dreams aside, whether that’s learning a new hobby or starting their own business – but it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, by remembering to pursue your own goals, you actually increase your overall happiness, which in turn gives you more energy to face the day. So whether you’re thinking about taking a painting class, getting in shape, or enrolling in a versatile online program to gain information technology skills for your future business, don’t let anything hold you back!


If you’re at a stage in your life where you’re feeling isolated, it can be a good idea to get involved in local events or community activities, you stand a chance to expand your social circle and you can often help contribute towards meaningful, positive causes. There are plenty of ways to find these, such as through social media or online directories.


The life of a caregiver is never easy. Not only are you present as loved ones experience pain, but you’re also shouldering some of that burden yourself. But this role is also a necessary one – just remember to look after yourself as you’re looking after others.


Whether you’re looking to work out in a group or one-on-one with a highly experienced personal trainer, Optimal Fitness is here to help you build a happier, healthier you! Call 571.207.8627 to get started.

Image by Pexels

by Julie Morris

Nothing thwarts good intentions of working out like cold weather. But the decline in the climate doesn’t have to mean a decline in your health. Try a few of these cold-weather workout tips presented by Optimal Fitness to help bust through the winter blues.

Create a Home Gym

You’ve been wanting to have a home gym for years but didn’t think you could spare the room. The good news is a home gym doesn’t have to take up too much space or cost a fortune. With a few inexpensive supplies and a little floor space, you can have a full workout facility. For example, if you have a couple of sets of dumbbells, a yoga mat, and adaptable resistance bands, you can do almost any strength-training workout you can do in a gym.


If you live in an apartment, your building may have an on-site gym that you can freely use. This can easily help you save money on expensive equipment or gear. However, if your complex doesn’t have a gym, consider moving to one that does. Searching through sites like Apartmentguide can help you find a new place that has all the amenities you need.

Suit Up

If you decide to venture out, be sure to put on your compression gear, even if you plan to wear sweats over it. Compression clothing keeps your muscles warm and blocks wind and moisture. It also helps increase circulation, which keeps your body temperature regulated.

Upgrade Your Tech

A great way to motivate your winter workout is to make good use of technology. For example, there are many apps — both free and premium — that can help you track your activities, as well as calculate how many calories you’ve burned. Some people even opt to use fitness trackers that can monitor your vitals and present the data in real time.

Look for Indoor Opportunities

Nothing says you have to bundle up and head outdoors for a workout. There are tons of ways to tweak your everyday activities to give them a fitness boost. For example, take a trek up the staircase in your building once an hour. Stair climbing burns more calories than walking alone and helps firm the thighs and buttocks.  But even if you don’t have stairs, try getting up and walking up and down the hallway a few times during breaks. 

Take Up an Indoor Sport

There are lots of fun things you can do inside that will give you a workout. Consider inviting a few friends for a game of hoops. Or, if basketball is not your thing, try racquetball, indoor swimming, or spinning. But even if you don’t consider yourself athletic, a game of table tennis can burn up to 500 calories. Seniors can take advantage of programs like Silver Sneakers through their Medicare plan that make fitness memberships affordable, and there are plenty of gyms that participate. 

Intensify Your Workouts

Some studies indicate that “15 minutes of high intensity interval training burns more calories than jogging on a treadmill for an hour.” So, why not incorporate short intense workout bursts throughout your day. You don’t even need workout equipment to do it. You can find a few moves that work for you and do a short workout in your office or home every hour throughout the day.

Take a Class

Almost every community has a facility that offers aerobics or fitness classes. Check out your local gym to see what types of winter classes are offered. Most often, you will find classes like yoga, spinning, Pilates, or strength-training. Not only will you be warm and toasty indoors, you’ll also be working out with others, which will keep you motivated.

Join the Mall Walkers

There’s a reason so many senior citizens have taken to shopping malls for their fitness routines. They are not affected by weather, and the routes are usually mapped out so you know how far you’ve walked. Plus, when you go with friends, it feels more like a social event than a chore. 


Winter shouldn’t mean the end of fitness. In fact, you should be more mindful of your activity levels than ever since colder weather often means comfort foods and holiday treats. So, don’t find yourself without a plan. Bundle up and head outdoors if you must, or find a way to take your workout inside. Either way, don’t neglect your health with the change of the seasons.


It’s the most magical time of the year, not only because it is the holiday season, but because it’s Harry Potter season!


In this extraordinary class, you will be separated into your house and compete against the three other houses with your house members to in various exercises to earn points! Each fitness test provides its own unique challenge, but you if you’re up to the task at hand, you may just be part of the winning house and showered with prizes and pride!


Come join as at the closest thing you’ll get to Hogwarts December 19th at 11:30 am at Optimal Fitness. Wands at the ready!


Image courtesy of Unsplash


Are you ready to challenge yourself with your very first 5k? Any time you’re undertaking a new fitness regimen, a little planning, preparation, and arming yourself with the right tech and gear can go a long way toward your success. Optimal Fitness offers the following tips to ensure your journey is a smooth one.


Establish a Baseline


Athletes need place markers in order to gauge their progress, but as a beginner, this alone can feel foreign. With that in mind, you need to establish some baselines. Start slow, and get a feel for the distance and speed most comfortable for you. Map a route that won’t take you too far from home to start, hit the treadmill, or head to nearby running trails to stretch your legs. Start slow and easy, noting some basic parameters like your speed, distance, and time. 


Keeping a running log can help you stay abreast of your regimen, although Verywell Fit points out if you head outside for your runs, it can be tough to monitor progress. For your nature-loving sessions, you might want to add an app to your smartphone designed especially for trail running. There are apps that not only monitor your stats, but they can also help you plan routes, check conditions, and even give you voice alerts when it’s time to make a turn to stay on course.


A Health-Conscious Plan


No fitness program is complete without a healthy diet. To achieve 5k success, you need to make sure you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals every day. Aside from eating nutritious foods, invest in a high-quality multivitamin to fulfill your nutrition requirements for the day. Your energy levels will improve if you get enough B vitamins, for instance, while vitamin C and other antioxidants will ensure that your body’s cells are protected from free radicals.


Tools of the Trade


As you move toward race day, tracking your overall progress can be daunting. Scribbling notes on paper is one way to keep track. However, in this era, you have options with more bells and whistles. Some runners make good use of the log method we mentioned, or you can invest in a fitness tracker or smartwatch. If you decide to go with the latter, there are ample options, so think about what features matter most to you. Alternatively, a more affordable option is to invest in a comfortable armband so you can use your phone to track your progress instead. 


The Long and Short   


When it comes to your actual workout sessions, there are different ways to approach your running program. Many new runners simply start with some stretches, a jog, and a cool down period. Stretching serves the purpose of limbering your muscles. The cool down allows time for the chemistry in your hard-working muscles to slowly disperse, helping to avoid soreness and cramps. This is a good program that can help you avoid injury, so long as you are consistent, take things slowly and gradually increase your duration and intensity.


Another way to build your program is to intermingle the kinds of running sessions you do. Runstreet suggests four types of workouts: intervals, tempo runs, and track/speed workouts like Fartleks or strides. While each type of session serves a different purpose, they build on each other toward improving your overall performance. By changing up speed, you work your muscles differently, and in time your stride and oxygen use improve. For your speed work, plan to hit a well-maintained track. If you’re brand new to running, the even terrain can help you avoid injury, especially during fast, short runs. 


Cross Train


It’s important to keep in mind that cross training is crucial when you start your 5k routine. Cross training helps you move your muscles in different ways, boosts your endurance, reduces the risk of injury and can be implemented on active recovery days. So maybe two days a week you practice yoga, and two other days you attend a strength training or barre class at Optimal Fitness. Over time, you’ll see and feel the difference cross training makes. New personal best, anyone?


Aiming for your first 5k is a wonderful thing. Establish your baseline, focus on nutrition, gather the necessary tools, decide how to monitor your progress, and choose the sort of program that is right for you. You’ll be ready to hit the ground running!


by Jennifer Scott



Do me favor and think for a second, would you say that you have a healthier mind or a healthier body? Now this seems like an easy question for most because most of the time we are either hyper critical of our own body and self-image or we tend to be out of tune with our mental psychology. Ofttimes it is much easier to focus on one than the other. We’ll be the first to admit, as trainers, we tend to prioritize our physical health over our mental health. 



More often than not, people tend to think that fit and healthy people don’t have any self-esteem issues. Being in the fitness world for a long time now, that statement couldn’t be any further from the truth. Not only do a lot of people start working out because of issues they have had with their body in the past, but they are usually their worst critics throughout their fitness journeys. While most people may see lots of muscles or chiseled abs, that person goes home, looks in the mirror and sees their hamstrings are undeveloped compared to their quads or their lifts have gotten weaker because they are eating less because they’re trying to cut. That may seem like nothing to most people and an overreaction, however that is that person’s truth, their hardship. It is a struggle they live with that can wear on that person’s mental fortitude, just like someone who is overweight just starting their fitness journey struggling to lose their first 10 pounds. Each individual’s struggle is their own and deserves to be understood and supported.



There is no question that this could eat away at a person’s mental health, but the more important question to ask is why.  Why do we not make our mental health a priority? Mental health is a much more intimidating thing for someone to accept than admitting that they may be out of shape. People are always joking around with friends or family in manners such as “I wish I was a fit as you?” Or ” I gotta get back into the gym. I need to lose some weight, I fell off the wagon!” It’s much less scary to admit that we are fat than it is to admit that we aren’t mentally stable. On top of that, it’s much easier to identify faults that are visible to ourselves and others than our mental setbacks that we can’t see.



While we are no experts in the field of mental health, we find health in general something that we prioritize and find very important. We believe that we all have unsaid things that we are scared to admit or talk about, that we should all try to be open and honest. That form of expression is extraordinary for our mental health, but also identifying struggles we could have to help move forward. The key is finding comfort in our insecurities, being able to turn our weakness into strengths and by accepting our flaws, no one can use them against us. 



Join us for our first ever Body Image and Fitness Support Group on October 3rd at 1:30 pm to discuss any thoughts in a safe and private space so we can begin to grow find our power together.


Photo by Mike Sàez on Unsplash

Any transition in life can be difficult, especially if you want to remove bad habits and adopt positive ones. Whatever kind of transition you’re considering, you can make the most of this time to adopt new habits that can improve your life. Here are some ways you can use a major transition to remove bad habits and embrace positive ones. 


Choose a Substitute for Your Bad Habits 

You need a plan ahead of time that will guide you on how to respond when you face boredom and stress, which triggers bad habits. It’s difficult to get rid of bad habits, so you replace them with something else. If you smoke, you must consider something you will always do when the urge to smoke is triggered. Whatever bad habits you’re dealing with, you need a plan for the things you will do instead of the bad habits. 


Cut Out Triggers 

If you smoke after drinking, you should avoid going to a bar. Look at things in your environment that encourage you to engage in a bad habit you would like to get rid of. Deal with those triggers and you will make it easier for yourself to get away from the bad habits. Your environment makes your habits easier, so if you want to embrace good habits, create an environment that offers triggers that will lead you to the right things. Change your environment and you will have an easier time changing your habits. 


Join Forces With Somebody 

Sometimes, it’s hard to drop bad habits if you don’t have someone to support you. Pair up with someone on the same mission and partner up on exploring new hobbies that will help both of you quit your bad habits. Through your partnership, you can hold each other accountable, and when you win, you can celebrate your victories together. Knowing someone expects you to be better is a motivator that will push you to adopt good habits. 


Eliminate Stress and Toxic Relationships

Being stressed can encourage bad habits like smoking, procrastinating, skipping meals, and drinking too much alcohol. Check if there are relationships that are draining your energy and walk away to protect your mental health. If you need assistance, speak with a counselor to know how to approach a stressful patch of your life without triggering other problems. 


Make Healthier Choices 

One of the things you should do if you have a major transition in your life is embracing healthy living habits. Opt-out of nutrient-dense foods and eat for your immunity. Choose foods that help your brain release the pleasure chemical, which helps you deal with stress. Also, replace habitual sugary treats with healthy snacks. 


Deal With Stress From Work 

Many people suffer work-related stress, so if this is your experience, there are things you can do to improve your situation. If you’re in a job that does not challenge you, you can change your career. Switching your career can offer great mental health benefits. There are online degree programs you can enroll in that help you learn skills while still working full-time. When searching for an online school to enroll in, check to ensure it’s accredited. Also, compare tuition rates to know if your budget is sufficient. Another way to deal with work-related stress is by taking a break to clear your mind. Even a few days can be a healing moment, so check if this is something you can get if you’re employed. 



It’s possible to get out of bad habits if you can learn how to transform your lifestyle. Join people on the same journey as you to get the motivation to move on from bad habits. Also, embrace hobbies that encourage you to engage in things that improve your lifestyle. Start by signing up for Optimal Fitness’ group and one-on-one fitness training.


by Jennifer Scott

Image via Pexels


Understandably, the pandemic is causing many of us to feel more stressed and anxious than usual. This is especially true for those running businesses as they manage employees during these uncertain times, as ZenBusiness explains here. In fact, the more employees there are to manage, the more stressful the job. 


No matter who you are, there are five key things we can do to care for our minds and bodies during these challenging times—even if we can’t unwind and alleviate stress at the gym, yoga studio, or a Sunday brunch with friends. Optimal Fitness offers the following resources for your COVID-19 wellness journey. 

1. Eat Nutritiously

  • Your diet is an important aspect of strengthening your immune system.
  • Perform grocery runs in the safest way possible.
  • Another option is to have food delivered straight to your door.

2. Prioritize Home Fitness

  • Staying home can take the spark out of your workout, but there are ways to maintain your motivation. 
  • The right equipment can help you get more out of your home fitness regimen. Adjustable dumbbells, resistance bands, and even headphones can all boost your home workout!
  • Set up a virtual meeting for online home workouts

3 Try Yoga and/or Pilates

  • There are certain poses that can help relieve stress, including the Chair Pose and the Hand Under Foot Pose.
  • When you are not able to connect with your yoga instructor, you can use apps like Fiit and Gaia to supplement your regimen. 
  • Some Pilates videos can help round out your fitness and wellness plan. 

4. Practice Self-Care

  • There are also some free ways to practice self-care.
  • Men can also benefit from self-care practices
  • Find ways to abolish negative energy from your household, including decluttering and incorporating a few indoor plants to help purify the air.


We can’t control much of what’s going on around the world right now, but we can make our health and well-being a top priority during this time of uncertainty. By eating nutritiously, practicing self-care, and staying physically active, we’ll keep our minds and bodies healthy—and we may even develop a new love and appreciation for working out from home. 

Whether one-on-one personal training or group training, the certified personal trainers at Optimal Fitness develop individualized programs for each client. Contact us for more information today! 571.207.8627

by Cheryl Conklin

When it comes to health and mental wellness, most people overlook the importance of sleep. But the truth is that getting enough high-quality sleep every night is vital to our long-term well-being. Since the brain and body undergo essential restorative processes during sleep, sleep deprivation can contribute to a whole mess of physical ailments and mental disorders. Check out the below resources from Optimal Fitness to learn how you can improve your sleep and enjoy better days!

Rethink Your Sleep Environment

Making a few tweaks to your bedroom can help you fall asleep faster and reduce the frequency of night-time waking.

  • Do some redecorating to turn your bedroom into a calming sleep sanctuary.
  • Burn some sage to clear out bad vibes from your bedroom.
  • Your body temperature naturally drops during sleep. If your bedroom gets too warm at night, the heat can make it difficult to fall and stay asleep.
  • If you don’t have air conditioning, try angling a fan towards your bed so it can blow directly on you while you sleep.
  • Sleep in loose pajamas in breathable fabrics so you don’t overheat.
  • Pregnant women and new moms can find stylish options that simplify nighttime feedings to minimize disruptions in your sleep schedule.

Banish Stress From the Bedroom

If stress is keeping you up at night, look for ways to treat stress through healthy daytime habits like exercising and eating nutritious foods.

  • Consider hiring a wellness professional for help with meal planning, mental health treatment, and fitness guidance.
  • Exercise daily to reduce stress hormones, relieve muscle tension, and support your brain health.
  • Optimal Fitness has a variety of classes to help you break a sweat in the name of better health.
  • Eat foods packed with stress-fighting vitamins and minerals.
  • Wind down in the evening with a relaxing yoga routine. Yoga can also help alleviate back pain, joint pain, or muscle stiffness that’s disrupting your sleep.

Try Natural Remedies

If you could use some extra help relieving stress and relaxing for the night, consider trying some natural supplements like magnesium and l-theanine.

  • Research suggests that magnesium supplements can improve sleep quality while also enhancing the treatment of anxiety and depression.
  • L-theanine promotes relaxation by calming the body’s stress response.
  • If you need to treat occasional insomnia, trymelatoninbefore reaching for addictive prescription sleeping pills.
  • Taking steps to improve your sleep is the ultimate act of self-care. When you sleep well, you’ll find it much easier to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, or any other mental concern that you’re experiencing. Try incorporating some of these healthy sleep habits into your routine today!

By Cheryl Conklin