Being a caregiver is an enormous responsibility. Often, caregivers become so used to putting someone else first that they completely neglect their own wellbeing. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re someone providing care for a loved one, Optimal Fitness has some advice for keeping well whilst staying on the task.


Time Management


The first thing to address, when striving for a healthier caregiving lifestyle, is time. You may find that, after a long day at work and all the life admin of the evenings/weekends, you don’t have much of it left to spend on yourself. A good way to change this is by using modern technology – apps such as Toggl or Clockify can be excellent tools for keeping track of where and how you spend your valuable hours, steering you on task, and preventing tangents.


Physical Health


It’s crucial not to underestimate the influence of physical well-being in shaping a positive and healthy mindset. Even when you don’t feel like it, you should try to exercise – by maintaining physical fitness, you’re likely to improve brain function, muscle strength, and energy levels. You can always start things off with a light run and work your way up, or take part in team sports as a way to meet new people. Remember, as long as you’re moving, you’re improving.


A good exercise routine should always be accompanied by a healthy diet. Transitioning from junk food to healthy fruit and veg is not always easy but is crucial for long-term well-being and happiness. If you’re struggling with the early stages of a healthy diet, it might be worth investing in a blender – you can condense down all of your vital nutrients and drink them in with just a few gulps (rather than chewing and savoring). It can even be fun experimenting with different recipes and flavors.


Social Life


Supportive friends and family are by far the most important ingredient for a healthy mindset. If you’re lucky enough to have them, you need to ensure that you’re spending time with them – that means outlining days on a weekend well in advance and protecting evenings during the week to be spent together, if not in person, then over the phone/video calls.


Pursuing Your Dreams 


Often, caregivers put their own dreams aside, whether that’s learning a new hobby or starting their own business – but it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, by remembering to pursue your own goals, you actually increase your overall happiness, which in turn gives you more energy to face the day. So whether you’re thinking about taking a painting class, getting in shape, or enrolling in a versatile online program to gain information technology skills for your future business, don’t let anything hold you back!


If you’re at a stage in your life where you’re feeling isolated, it can be a good idea to get involved in local events or community activities, you stand a chance to expand your social circle and you can often help contribute towards meaningful, positive causes. There are plenty of ways to find these, such as through social media or online directories.


The life of a caregiver is never easy. Not only are you present as loved ones experience pain, but you’re also shouldering some of that burden yourself. But this role is also a necessary one – just remember to look after yourself as you’re looking after others.


Whether you’re looking to work out in a group or one-on-one with a highly experienced personal trainer, Optimal Fitness is here to help you build a happier, healthier you! Call 571.207.8627 to get started.

Image by Pexels

by Julie Morris

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